How To Have A Healthy Pregnancy Without Gaining A Lot Of Weight
Posted on 12 August 2007
by: Gray Rollins
Pregnancy can be an exciting and worrying experience. Particularly if you are carrying your first child, you will be concerned about the health of your baby, and of course your own well-being as a secondary factor. On top of that, you're dealing with all sorts of hormones and emotions, which can make pregnancy difficult for the best of us. It's a simple fact that most women gain weight after their pregnancy from improper eating and a lack of exercise. This doesn't have to be the case, and there are ways in which you can survive pregnancy without gaining too much weight.
The first thing to consider during pregnancy is exercise. Of course, a couple of hours at the gym isn't going to do the trick if you're eight months gone, but by remaining active and independent for as long as is possible, you can help keep your body in shape, and prepare it for the physical ordeal to come. Additionally, this will help you keep relatively fit, and stop you from piling on too many pounds waiting on baby to arrive.
Pregnant women often report certain cravings, some of which can be very obscure. If you experience cravings for fatty or sugary foods, try to opt for low calorie alternatives in mitigation. Although it may not be what you are looking for, it is the best way to keep your body healthy and satisfy your urges.
Another essential thing to consider during pregnancy to avoid excessive weight gain is a healthy and balanced diet. Just because you're pregnant shouldn’t give you the idea that junk food is ok. You still need to eat sensibly to avoid putting on extra weight. On top of that, maintaining a healthy diet will also improve your overall health, which will obviously have a positive effect on your baby. Furthermore by boosting your fruit and vegetable consumption, you'll be consuming vital vitamins and minerals for the health of your baby.
Pregnancy is undoubtedly a difficult time, and looking after your body might not be your first and main concern. However, by living a standard healthy balanced life, you should find you'll be able to keep in shape, and avoid putting on excess weight. Furthermore, this should help you recover from the pregnancy, so you'll be back up on your feet in no time, to continue your healthy, happy lifestyle.
Source: Aritcle City