New Children's Reads - Featuring Peek A Baby and More!
Posted on 12 August 2007
Peek A Baby - Play along with your baby or preschooler an old time favorite game of peek a boo with this interactive flap book.
Biscuit Loves School - That cuddly little pooch is headed off to school in this endearingly oversized lift-the-flap board book. Biscuit is busy meeting the teacher, sniffing out snacks, checking out stories, and looking for a missing ball as students teach him all about the fun they have at school. To make the visit extra exciting for readers, 50 flaps of various sizes reveal school objects, activities, and antics by Biscuit and his friends, and a little mouse that's hidden somewhere in each spread. The board book also provides a bit of educational panache, with a pile of letter-block flaps letting readers practice their alphabet while number flaps reveal shapes underneath. Kids will surely be barking up the right tree with this whimsical charmer on their bookshelves! Ages: Infant/Preschool
How Do Dinosaurs Go To School - Everyone's favorite dinosaurs are back--and this time they are going to school. More fun dinosaur antics await. These prehistoric pupils are in a class of their own!
A new cast of brightly colored dinosaurs appears in this charming back-to-school story. The text's easy rhyme and rhythm will be familiar to those who have read other books in this series, and Teague's charismatic and naughty dinosaurs will continue to delight readers with their antics and exuberance. The illustration accompanying "DOES A DINOSAUR YELL?" is sure to elicit smiles as an excited Herrerasaurus leaps out of his chair proudly holding up a newly lost tooth. His teacher looks annoyed, but his classmates all turn toward him with their own gap-toothed grins. The 10 dinosaurs that appear are identified on the endpapers where each is hard at work or play. Stygimoloch using one arm to prop up his raised hand as he blurts out is also likely to draw a smile from veteran teachers. A fun read-aloud for the first day of school. Ages: 4-8