Helpful tips for battling mommy stress
Posted on 11 October 2012
These days, the word mom is synonymous with superwoman. If you've got a little one, you probably are well aware of the fact that when you aren't changing diapers or working a full-time job, you're taking care of household duties like cleaning.
At some point, it's natural to feel very overwhelmed. Maybe your lovebug just won't go to bed, or perhaps your boss is asking you to work extra hours. Whatever it is, you should know that feeling stressed is completely normal.
To relieve any mommy anxieties that you may have, you should consider following the suggestions from
1) Just let go
"We have to recognize that chaos is a part of life," Richard Carlson, PhD., author of Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, told the website. "Then we must recognize our own contribution to it. That's the only part we can control," says Carlson.
You'd be surprised, but actually relinquishing control will help you feel better. For example, you may tell yourself that you're the only one who knows how to clean your house, but by hiring someone to do it, you'll find that you have more free time to do other things that make you happy.
2) Don't catastrophize the situation
If ever the saying "Don't make a mountain out of a molehill" applied to someone, it would be mothers. If your sons broke your expensive vase during a fight, you don't need to act like the world is ending. Simply remind yourself that what just happened was nothing more an an annoyance or an inconvenience.
3) Taking a break
Our natural inclination is probably to complete everything we have on our "to-do" list in a single day. However, this isn't really realistic because, in order to be relaxed and in a good frame of mind, you have to take some time to yourself.