"Baby Einstein Monkey Madness Wagon Gift Set" is a perfect and educational gift for little ones

Posted on 23 April 2012

If you are your partner are expecting a baby or just brought a little bundle of joy into the world, one of your top priorities will undoubtedly be giving your newborn an educational jump start. Surely, you've received wonderful baby gifts from loved ones and friends, but one present that will exercise your baby's brain and keep him occupied is the "Baby Einstein Monkey Madness Wagon Gift Set."

This present can be used by both little girls and boys and features items such as the "Let's Look" hardcover book. This classic story will satisfy your baby's curious side and can be read at bedtime, midday or any other time he wants to explore his wild side by looking at the beautifully colored animal illustrations printed inside.

When you and your partner are looking to expose your little prince or princess to world cultures, you can let them listen or watch the "World of Music" full length CD or "World of Music" DVD. Both of these items are fun and educational ways to take them to faraway lands without even leaving your home.

And when he's ready for some playtime, he can put the monkey wrist wrap around rattle to good use. The gift set also features a similar elephant rattle. Both of these toys are fun ways to keep your baby entertained for hours.

During bed or nap time, your little one can snuggle with the oversized 14-inch cherry cheeks monkey. This stuffed animal is plush, soft and will keep him asleep so you and your partner can relax!

All of these items come in an original Radio Flyer wagon, which can be used long after the gift basket items have been taken out. Use it for storing diapers, books and clothes, or even for taking your little baby for a relaxing stroll in the park.

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