Baby Gift Baskets New Moms Wish People Would Give
Posted on 13 August 2012
I overheard a new mom the other day mentioning that she had about 100 onesies in newborn and 0-to-3 month sizes. I'm pretty sure my son outgrew his newborn clothing on the ride home from the hospital. By the time I was six months pregnant with my second baby, after I'd sorted through the hand-me-downs and sold the seldom-used accessories in a yard sale, my baby shower registry battle cry was: “Consumables!”
With that in mind, here are three baby gift baskets new moms wish they would get instead of another yellow or green onesie.
Teething basket - Teething can start as early as two months -- or even sooner. (Did you know some babies are born with teeth?) A basket stocked with all-natural teething tablets, teething rings, teething bibs to catch the drool and 8-hour infant Advil for those really challenging nights will be appreciated. A soft, snuggly teddy bear for baby to cuddle makes the gift even more thoughtful and personalized.
Bath time basket - I can never seem to find a hooded towel after bathtime ... and they're so cute, I never mind having more than I needed. Stock a baby gift basket with baby shampoo, lotion, hooded towels, and other bath time items she'll use even as her infant grows into a toddler. Put it all in a baby bathtub (a necessity!) for a fun but practical gift.
Diaper basket or diaper cake - What's more practical for a new mom than a giant tower of diapers? Diapers are one of the most appreciated baby gifts, but what's fun about giving (or opening) a giant box of Pampers? Diaper cakes, stacked with quality diapers in various sizes along with other baby essentials, is a gift that keeps on giving through baby's first year, but won't get stacked away in the closet as just another necessity.