Baby's Identity Safety: Smart Way to Protect Her Credit
Posted on 14 September 2007
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Just over a year ago, Frank Blackwood watched a television program warning viewers that children might be susceptible to identity theft. Blackwood's wife had fallen victim to identity theft, but he had a hard time believing his two children, ages two and one at the time, could be victims, too. Blackwood, on staff at a Baptist church in Texas, decided to call a credit reporting agency to check—just in case
"When I finally got through to a real human being, I gave her my oldest daughter's Social Security number (SSN) and then there was silence on the other end of the line," recalls Blackwood. "She asked me to repeat the numbers. Then she said, 'Uh-oh.'" Bad news: Someone had applied for and received credit using his oldest daughter's SSN. And the news got worse. His younger daughter had been an identity theft victim, too. Over the next few months, Blackwood estimates that he spent over 600 hours fixing his daughters' credit histories. |
Child Identity Theft on the Rise Blackwood's not alone. The Federal Trade Commission estimates that 400,000 children nationwide encounter some type of identity theft each year. "I believe that's a conservative estimate," says Linda Foley, the founder of the Identity Theft Resource Center, a non-profit organization that aids victims. She points out that there's a large jump in the number of ID theft victims between the ages of 18 to 24. She suspects that rise is most likely because many ID victims who are minors don't discover the crime until they finally apply for credit, around the age of 18. |
Why Criminals Steal Children's Identities Children are prime targets for identity thieves because they have clean credit histories, and a thief can potentially use the child's identity for years without anyone finding out about it. Johnny May, a security consultant and the author of Johnny May's Guide to Preventing Identity Theft, explains how easy it is for a criminal to use your child's identity.
May explains that there's no system in place at the credit reporting agencies to check a SSN against a person's identity. At the credit bureaus, a SSN is only checked for credit history. "The first time the credit bureau starts tracking reports is when someone first applies for credit using the Social Security number." Meaning, no one ever checks if the Social Security number belongs to a 42-year-old man or a two-year-old who can't even say "credit card." |
What Criminals Do with a Child's Personal Information Identity theft isn't just about financial gain. While not as rampant as financial identity theft, criminal identity theft and cloning are also potential hazards. With criminal ID theft, someone might offer your child's name and information instead of his own when involved with a crime. Cloning happens when a criminal takes over the victim's identity: He's not only using the SSN to establish credit, but also to secure rent and employment applications. Todd Davis, founder and CEO of LifeLock, an ID theft protection agency, says that employers check SSN that potential workers submit to make sure that they're valid—not to insure that they belong to that person. In other words, there's no system in place to verify that the SSN someone gives a landlord or an employer is actually his or her own. |
Where Are Social Security Numbers Vulnerable? Davis, a parent of three-year-old twins, says criminals also target children because they know how easy it is to obtain a child's SSN. "We as parents have to give [our child's SSN] out to so many different people—at the doctor's office for insurance, at the dentist, even for some daycares." Thieves know that these offices will have plenty of sensitive information, often with little security to protect it. Foley, at the Identity Theft Resource Center, adds that there are a variety of ways for criminals to snag someone's identity, from sophisticated Internet scams and hacking into personal computers to good old-fashioned stealing. For instance, some criminals target the mailboxes of people who have "It's a Boy!" signs on their lawns, knowing that a Social Security card will be in the mail soon. Some find the children's Social Security cards in the parents' wallets. And Foley even knew of one case where a criminal made up a SSN, somehow used it to obtain credit, and then a newborn was issued the number later. |
Protecting Your Child's Social Security Number