Bring out your inner movie star by hosting a celebrity-themed baby shower
Posted on 26 September 2012
Let's face it, these days, one of the most popular topics in news is celebrity gossip. As we stand in line at the grocery stores, many of us probably find ourselves browsing magazines that detail which Kardashian sister is going through a crisis, Amanda Bynes' latest car accident and, of course, which starlet and her partner recently had a baby.
As much as everyone loves a good train wreck, few people would argue that there is anything more interesting than getting an inside look into the lives of Hollywood moms and dads. If you are someone who just can't get enough famous baby news and have a bun in the oven yourself, then think about getting your gal pals and family members together for a celebrity-themed baby shower.
After sending out invitations cut out in the shape of a director's chairs or movie tickets, start considering what food to serve. Of course, because those in Hollywood like to celebrate big, you should make sure that you have Oscar-worthy dishes such as lobster rolls, eggplant crostini, mini roasted vegetables quiches and chocolate flourless cake.
When it comes to entertainment, play unique, printable games like "Celebrity Moms & Dads" and "Back In The Day...Famous TV Parents" by Give away prizes to the winners such as an inexpensive bottle of champagne or mini gift baskets filled with goodies like toiletries. Both ideas are similar to what stars and starlets walk away with at award shows.
You're likely to have a blast with your friends at this shower and a lot of the fun will be due to the entertainment. For more printable games and party ideas that will have even the most picky guests laughing and enjoying their behinds off, visit