Diaper Cakes - Ideas & Instructions
Posted on 21 October 2010
Diaper cakes have actually been around for a very long time but have grown in popularity in the last several years and have taken the baby gift world by storm! These crafty little creations continue to be one of the most sought out after baby shower gifts and a must-have baby shower decoration!
So what's the hype and hupla over diaper cakes (aka baby diaper cakes, baby shower cakes and nappy cakes)?
For starters, they are absolutely stunning! What a lasting impression a well put together diaper cake can make on any expecting new mom or new parents. They look gorgeous on the baby shower table or absolutely adorable as a decoration in baby's nursery.
Their practicality is a huge asset as well! They simply contain one of the most needed baby items ever...diapers! Did you know the average baby will use approximately 2,190 diapers during the first year? That's a lot of diapers so new moms and dads always appreciate this generous and thoughtful gift.
The nicest diaper cakes will include only brand name diapers such as Pampers or Luv's or may include a specialty diaper such as a 7th generation diaper known for being cloth-like yet created to be non-toxic and hypo-allergenic, a preference among mom's who want only all natural products used on their baby.
Many diaper cakes, sometimes made of 2 and 3 tiers of diapers will also include a list of several other smaller baby essentials such as teething rings, rattles and toys, plush animals and grooming products. A deluxe diaper cake can also include bigger items as well such as receiving blankets, terry cloth bathing towels, and baby outfits!
Each diaper cake is meticulously and creatively assembled by hand. The actual creation from start to finish can take up to an hour or more (depending on the size) and that doesn't include any shopping time for baby products and decorations. A traditional diaper cake usually looks like a real layered cake but they can come in all sizes, colors and even shapes...there are many creative styles to be found.
There is a huge variety of diaper cakes available today. You can find almost any theme diaper cake imaginable to match any baby shower theme. But perhaps you would prefer to make you own diaper cake. Not a problem, anyone can do it! You can decide your spending budget and make a very basic cake with items purchased at your local grocery store or go all out and include items purchased from a department store.
We've included some basic instuctions below on how to go about it if you've never made one before. Remember you can be as elaborate and creative as you want when it comes to including baby gifts into your diaper cake creation.
How To Make A Diaper Cake Instructions:
Ingredients needed:
- 50-80 cloth or disposable diapers (number of diapers depends on how many tiers you want)
- A bag of rubber bands (various sizes)
- 16” Disposable cardboard platter. (found in party stores)
- At least 8 feet of 1’ wide ribbon ( need more if cake is more than 3 tiers)
- Clear adhesive tape
- Decorating Goodies ( pacifiers, bibs, toys , socks, etc.)
- Decorative cake topper (stuffed animal or baby bottle)
Baking your Cake:
- Roll diapers with tabs tucked in
- Wrap rubber bands around each diaper roll.
- Use rubber bands to create a bundle with the diapers (may need inner & outer bundle for larger tiers)
- Use ribbon or receiving blanket around the cake to cover rubber bands
- Use the clear adhesive tape to attach the tiers to the platter
- Now use the decorations you bought to tuck around the cake
More helpful links:
How to build a diaper cake - step by step instructions with pictures.
Step by Step Instructions to Make a Diaper Cake
Interested in reading about the history of diapers? We found this really thorough and quite interesting article for those that have ever wondered just how the modern diaper ever came about and what was used before the disposable diaper!
Interested in purchasing a diaper cake? Check out our adorable and practical selection of diaper cakes! https://www.storkbabygiftbaskets.com/collections/diaper-cakes-baby
1 comment
Wow great, how cute this diaper cake. hahaha looks cool.
Mickey Buarao