Seed Paper Baby Shower Invitations
Posted on 22 July 2013
Seed Paper Baby Shower Invitations...say what? What in the world is seed paper? Well I'm excited and prepared to let you know! Our new line of seed paper invitations are the newest and most awesome eco-friendly way of announcing the birth of your baby or sending out baby shower invitations! They serve a 2 n 1 purpose! First, they announce your news or upcoming event to friends and family with adorable cute as any we've ever seen but they also serve as a gift as well! A gift of flowers! Your friends and family will be amazed and impressed as well with your conscientious gesture! When no longer needed, your recipient can plant the seed paper invite right into the ground or planter and wait for the beautiful magic to happen! Wildflowers will grow (with a little love and water, of course) in place of the old invite that would probably end up in the trash somewhere sooner or later anyway. What an awesome concept! Well we think so! What a great way of recycling and who doesn't love flowers? Here's how it works... Plantable paper is a biodegradable eco-paper that is made with post-consumer materials (no trees harmed for this paper!) and embedded with seeds. When the paper is planted in a pot of soil, the seeds grow and the paper composts away. All that is left behind is flowers, herbs or vegetables and no waste. It's easy to plant and grow, and below we'll show you examples of photos. SUPPLY LIST
- a pot for planting
- some good potting soil
- plantable paper
- water
- a sunny corner
- Fill your pot 2/3 full with good potting soil. Tamp down the soil and add more if necessary. You want the pot to be firmly full, but not packed. The paper can be planted indoors or outside, so you get to choose according to the temperature and conditions at the time of planting (we don't recommend planting outside if there's a blizzard or it's desert-hot!).
- Take your plantable paper and cover the soil in the prepared pot with the paper. It's okay if the paper overlaps. Spread a 1/8 to 1/4 inch layer of soil over the plantable paper pieces and tamp down gently.
- After planting the paper in your pot, give it a good soak. You want the paper and the soil to be nicely damp but not swimming in water. During the first 10 days, keep the paper moist at all times. The water is necessary for germination.
- On sprouts appear, continue to keep the paper moist but be careful not to overwater. Once sturdy plants appear, water as needed. Here's what the pot looks like after planting a a card:
- Once the flowers start to blossom, enjoy them in the pot or cut them and place in a decorative vase or pot like we did here:
Here's some planted in a pot and then cut and placed in a vase...what joy one little invitation has spread!
These organic baby shower invitations and birth announcements are the perfect way of announcing your special upcoming event by being good to mother earth at the same time! Check out all of our available and adorable choices of and organic birth announcements at
P.S. Watch for our matching Eco-Friendly Seed Paper Baby Shower Favors coming soon!