Tips for helping you relax during IVF treatments
Posted on 16 October 2012
One of the biggest causes of stress that a woman will likely experience in her life is the inability to get pregnant. As a result, these females often turn to treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) in order to create a bun in the oven. But, this and other similar procedures can cause tension to build before even stepping into the doctor's office.
Is it going to hurt? How much is it going to cost? How will I explain my absence from the office to my boss? These are all concerns that any female is probably going to have, and, while these are all normal worries, they can actually prevent IVF from being successful as anxiety has been shown to reduce the likelihood of getting pregnant and having a healthy birth.
Here are some ways that you can calm down about any upcoming procedures you're going to have:
1) Look over your insurance policy. Find out what is covered and what isn't. Even though you may have to pay out of pocket for the actual IVF procedures, news outlets say that some treatments associated with in vitro may be covered, such as blood tests or ultrasounds.
2) Speak with your doctor. Keeping any fears inside is just going to make you more stressed. Ask him or her what IVF involves, if there is any pain associated with the treatment and how long it is going to take to recover. You have a right to know. The more open you are, the less anxiety you'll experience.
3) Talk to your boss ahead of time. Is he or she going to be understanding about why you may need to take some time off from work? If so, then just be honest. If the exact opposite is true, then don't go into detail - use vacation or sick days to get the rest you need and for your doctor's appointments.