Baby Shower Etiquette: Do's and Don'ts for Successful Baby Showers
Posted on 03 October 2012
Baby Shower Etiquette for a Successful Baby Shower!
Baby showers are changing, from who's invited to the baby shower gifts people receive. (Is it just me, or is $50 the new $30?) New moms love to get unique, personalized baby gifts more than ever, but some classics, like diaper cakes, never go out of style.
It's hard keeping of baby shower etiquette, but our handy guide will help, whether you're planning a shower or attending a baby shower for an expectant mom.
Give the Mom-to-be a list of all attendees names and addresses to make thank you cards easy - If you're the baby shower hostess, keep a master list of names and addresses when you send out invitations. You can even supply the mom-to-be with thank you cards in pre-addressed envelopes, so all she has to do is write a personalized note, stamp and mail.
Plan a baby shower even for a second or third child - Second- and third-time moms still deserve baby gifts. Consider a diaper cake as a baby shower gift for a second-time mom, or host a diaper party that focuses on the essentials that don't get passed on. Read more tips for second baby shower gifts here.
Include baby shower gift registry information with the invitations - This used to be considered a big “etiquette no-no” but everyone always seems so relieved when baby gift registry information is included. Anything that makes people's lives easier in these busy, stressful times is definitely an etiquette “do.”
Host a co-ed shower if your budget allows for it - Dads-to-be, and all their friends, are increasingly welcome at baby showers, turning showers in to a fun, co-ed event that celebrates welcoming a new life. If your budget and available space permits it, host a co-ed baby shower where women are invited to bring their significant others and couples who are friends of the parents-to-be are welcome, along with, of course, the Daddy-to-be.
Consider hosting a “virtual shower” via Skype if the bride has a number of out-of-town friends and relatives who can't make a real shower - A virtual baby shower is a great way to make a mom-to-be feel loved, even if she doesn't have a lot of friends and family in her area. Baby shower gifts should be optional at a virtual shower; it's a time to re-connect and send your well wishes and parenting tips to the mom-to-be.
Ask guests to bring a dish or pay for their own meal - These are hard economic times for many people, so it's understandable if you can't throw a big baby shower for someone you love who's expecting. But baby shower guests should bring baby gifts for the mom-to-be, and that's it. If you can't afford to host a shower, reduce the guest list to a few close friends, or host a brunch or dessert shower to cut costs.
Share your childbirth horror stories with the mom-to-be. - Some women seem to love regaling expectant moms with horror stories about their three days in labor, painful c-section recovery, or epidural-induced headache. But most pregnant women would rather visualize a smooth labor and drama-free natural childbirth. Share the moving, inspiring moments about holding your newborn for the first time, but avoid all the “warnings” or childbirth horror stories disguised as good advice. Instead, focus on building positive memories for the mom-to-be at her baby shower.
Feel as if you have to plan hours of baby shower games. - In most cases, good food and friends make a great party or baby shower. For a group of people who don't know each other well, a few easy baby shower games can help break the ice. But there's no need to “script” the whole shower or account for every minute with a game or activity.
Throw your own shower - Sorry, ladies. Some baby shower etiquette rules have not changed and this is one of them. But take heart. Whether you have a shower or not, most people will send baby gifts when your little bundle of joy is born.