Dads, make sure that you follow these tips to ensure your pregnant wife is getting the nutrients she needs!
Posted on 08 November 2012
As a dad-to-be, you undoubtedly want to do all that you can to ensure that your wife stays healthy during her pregnancy. That means checking to see that she's getting all the nutrients that she needs.
After all, what she puts into her mouth is going to feed that bun in-the-oven, right? However, despite knowing this, you may be confused about what that means, especially if you are a first time dad.
Luckily, WebMD has some tips and recommends that you help the mother of your child eat:
1) Around six to 11 servings of breads and grains. Whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce is not only delicious, it's healthy. Adding tomato sauce provides a good source of veggies.
2) Approximately two to four servings of fruit. Is your wife not a big fan of biting into a banana or munching on an apple? Then, try blending them all together to make her a delicious and nutrient-packed smoothie. When you pour in some milk, she'll get the dairy that her body needs.
3) Anywhere between four or more servings of vegetables a day and three servings of lean protein, like fish, eggs or chicken. Raw veggies and hummus are wholesome and satisfying.
As you can see, you don't have to be an expert chef to guarantee that your wife is eating nutrient-packed meals on a daily basis - some simple preparation and healthy ingredients are all that is necessary.
Of course, if you have any questions about what is healthy and what isn't, don't delay. Talk with the mommy-to-be and schedule an appointment with the OBGYN she sees. Knowledge is power and is extremely important, especially when both of you have a baby on the way.