Six New Colorful Organic Baskets
Posted on 05 November 2009
Introducing our new line off...Beautiful, Colorful and All Natural Organic Baby Gifts!
More and more, people are searching for all natural products and gifts to give to a new baby. Not surprising because more and more people are learning the importance of healthy gift giving while protecting our mother earth and what better gift for a precious newborn just entering the world brand new with delicate skin and a tiny little system susceptible to germs and harsh chemicals.
What's exciting is that giving organic used to mean giving plain or dull colored items but all that has changed. Colorful clothing free of harsh chemicals and dyes (made with all natural dyes and soy based inks) have now inudated the market and Stork Baby Gift Baskets is proud to offer our new line of colorful new organic earth friendly gift baskets for baby!
Gifts you feel good about giving because they're produced in an environmentally friendly manner that's easy on the earth, beautifully made, look and feel good, are good for little ones and all products are proudly made in the USA!
Six wonderful and colorful themes to choose from: Baby Ducky, Baby Froggy, Baby Bee, Baby Flower, Baby Jungle Friends and Baby Ladybug.
For more here