The latest trend, neutral baby rooms with vintage accents

Posted on 22 February 2012

While many expecting moms and dads choose to paint their baby's room in a vibrant pink or blue, a new trend is emerging that has parents on "neutral" ground. As a result, new parents may want to think twice before coating their baby's room with sunburst yellow.

In addition to being calming and homey, neutral colors can allow parents to accentuate a baby's room without overloading on colorful wallpaper and other cliches. According to Mariah Danielson, an author at Corner Stork Baby Gifts, this type of design can also make any room look elegant and simple.

"Start with a neutral colored wall, maybe a light tan or light gray and decorate with white, brown and gray pieces of furniture," she said. "A vintage looking light fixture, changing table and crib add to the sophisticated look."

In addition, with vintage fashion and furniture all the rage in metropolitan hubs and displays at shopping malls, parents won't have to worry about a potential color clash with any essential baby items they receive. Neutral colors go well with most neutral colors, so whether an item is ivory, mahogany or a sandy beige, parents can be confident when making their color selections in stores for this type of room.

Neutral walls can also be beneficial in the future, especially if the expecting parents are considering selling their home soon to make room for more little ones. Rather than repainting the room, new owners will be able to confidently make a neutral-colored room into a den, reading area or office without any alterations, saving homeowners time and effort down the line.

Parents who don't know the sex of their child should also consider using this color scheme to their advantage. And instead of asking friends and relatives for baby boy gifts or baby girl gifts, parents who opt for this theme can point interested gift givers to online outlets that offer personalized, unisex baby gift baskets featuring fun plush frogs, adorable hats and unisex baby clothing.

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